Saturday, 26 March 2011

Saturday 25th March

OK. So, I'm new to this blogging thing but I have so many knitting and crochet patterns that I have found on the internet and I can't keep track of my "history" on my computer anymore because my new computer has Window's 7 installed on it and I am a Windows XP geek. In saying that, I have 2 laptops and I cant find anything on either of them!
Hence - a blog. I figure cyberland can probably keep better track of my links and fav places AND google will bring you here so I can share them with you. This will take me a bit of time to figure out so bear with me as I learn and stumble through the weird and wonderful way of creating a blog and my very own page - heck I have a font on my intial description that I want to change and I can't for the life of me figure out how its done.
 Here is a sample of what I do. My sister Julie sent me a message on Facebook asking me to make a necklace for my niece Jessica. Flowers, if you please. They are in New Zealand. Maybe things are a little different there or maybe I just dont get out of my house often enough but a necklace made from crocheted flowers made my mind boggle and even though I had/have HAVE other projects on my hooks and needles I started on this straight away. 
Flowers, as any crocheter (is this a word?) knows are addictive. You make one and think "Oh my God, its so cute!" and next thing you know you have a pile of them. When my sister suggested this I immediately thought "daisy-chain" and this is the end result.
Apparently Jessi loves it!

I have posted a link for making flowers and it's for the large flower, it has 3 rows of petals and is soooo easy. 
Here it is again if you cant find your way around my blog:

The instructions for the little daisies can be found here: 

- fab tutorial with step by step pictures.



  1. yeah things are a little different here I guess :oP
    Go you on blogging - well done, its really cool.

  2. Thanks Jules! If you have any secrets please share xxx
