Friday, 29 July 2011

Mock Cable Booties

Size: prem, 0, 3mo

4ply yarn 25g
size 3.25mm needles

TW2: knit into front of 2nd st on left hand needle then knit into front of the first st, slipping both st off the needle at the same time

Make 2 - begin at the ankle.
Using 3.25mm needles cast on 46, 50, 50 sts and begin pattern
1st row: P2, *K2, P2, repeat from * to end
2nd row: K2, *P2, K2, repeat from * to end
3rd row: P2, *TW2, P2, repeat from * to end
4th row: as 2nd row
these 4 rows form the "mock" cable pattern
Work a further 20, 20, 24 rows pattern (decrease 14, 16, 14 sts evenly along last row) 32, 34, 36 sts

Shape instep:
Work in stocking stitch for remainder of bootie (knit one row, purl one row)
Next row: K20, 21, 22 turn
Continue on center 8 stitches for 14, 16, 18 rows stocking stitch (There should be 12, 13, 14 stitches on either side)
Turn, break yarn and leave these 8 sts on left hand needle

Shape sides:
With right side facing, rejoin yarn to the first group of 12, 13, 14 sts at right edge. Knit up 10, 13, 13 sts evenly along first side of instep, knit across 8 sts of instep then knit 10, 13, 13 sts evenly along other side of instep, then knit across remaining 12, 13, 14 sts to end.
Work 7, 9, 9 rows stocking stitch beginning with a purl row

Shape heel and toe:
1st row: K2 tog, K 22, 26, 27, K2 tog, K2 tog, K 22, 26, 27, K2 tog
2nd and alt rows: Purl
3rd row: K2 tog, K 20, 24, 25, K2 tog, K2 tog, K 20, 24, 25, K2 tog
5th row: K2 tog, K18, 22, 23, K2 tog, K2 tog, K 18, 22, 23, K2 tog
6th row: Purl

Cast off loosely and join seams.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Chevron Crochet Afghan (zig zag stitch)

Zig Zag Crochet also known as chevron crochet produces an awesome result. You need at least 3 different colours for the zigs and zags to look effective and you can crochet in your favourite stitch! I prefer double crochet for this afghan. Single crochet is just too teensy and the result is quite tight. Half double crochet is also nice and thats what I used for my Grandbaby's Cot Blanket - the mint/white and lemon one above.
The beauty of this is that you can use whatever ply yarn that takes your fancy and whatever hook size you want to use. I usually use 8 ply yarn and a size 5.5 hook. Play with your stripes. One of my favourite rugs is the blue one pictured. It has 6 rows of Colour 1, 3 rows of Colour 2, 6 rows of Colour 3,  3 rows of Colour 2 then back to Colour 1 ....

Here is a basic pattern:

The only stitch you need to know how to do is double crochet (dc)

Note: V stitch is: one double crochet into the hole of the row below, then 2 chain, then another double crochet into the same hole.
Materials: I usually use 8ply wool and a size 5.5 hook, 4 x 100gm balls of 3 different colours - total 12 balls

Make a chain as wide as you want your blanket. For example 160 chain. Increase or decrease in multiples of 24
Row 1: dc into the second chain from the hook - continue in dc  to the end of the row, last chain - 1 dc ,1 chain, 1 dc
Row 2: 4 chain, 1 dc into the first hole in the row below, **7 dc into the following next 7 holes, SKIP 2, 7 dc into the next 7 holes, V STITCH into the next hole** repeat to the last hole ... 1 dc, 1 chain, 1 dc into the last hole.
Row 3: 4 chain, 1 dc into the first hole in the row below, **7 dc into the following next 7 holes, SKIP 1, 7 dc into the next 7 holes, V STITCH into the next hole** repeat to the last hole ... 1 dc, 1 chain, 1 dc into the last hole.

Row 3 is the pattern, repeat until your rug is as long as you want.

The V stitch is the peak of the zig zag and the skip is the trough.

have fun!